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Meeting American Farmers & Ranchers
News Releases
WFCF In The News
December 27, 2023
Supermarket Perimeter:
Where Food Comes From Acquires Certification Program for Upcycled Foods
Where Food Comes From, Inc., (WFCF) a company that owns and operates third-party verification services, has acquired the Upcycled Certified program from the Upcycled Food Association (UFA), Denver.
August 2023
Asian Seafood Improvement Collaborative Partners with Where Food Comes From, Inc. to Support Small-Scale Producers in Asia
As a multi-stakeholder non-profit organization, ASIC has been at the forefront of promoting sustainable seafood production and responsible sourcing practices in Southeast Asia.
May 2023
Where Food Comes From, Inc. Named Exclusive Third-Party Verifier for Bee Friendly Farming® Certification with Silk Canada and KIND Snacks the Initial Brands to Participate in the Program
Bee Friendly Farming® Certification is a program designed to encourage farmers and ranchers to provide safe habitats for bees and other pollinators.
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